Year 1 2023 - 2024

Miss Collier

Mrs Sanderson

Welcome to Year 1

This term our topic is 'Bright Lights, Big City'.

This project teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city, London.

We will also be learning about:

Science: Seasonal Changes, this project teaches children about the seasons, seasonal changes and typical seasonal weather and events. They learn about measuring the weather and the role of a meteorologist. Children begin to learn about the science of day and night and recognise that the seasons have varying day lengths in the UK.

RE: In the new unit Jesus children will explore Bible stories that reveal Jesus' power and devine nature as well as talking about how and why Jesus was special. In our second unit Easter it will give children an opportunity to reflect upon the miracles of nature and new life during springtime. Pupils will hear and be able to retell the Easter Story as well as make links between the transformation of plants and animals and the Easter story in order to develop an understanding of the resurrection.

Geography: Through our Bright Lights, Big City topic we will focus on countries and capital cities of the UK; Physical features of the UK; Settlements; Human features; Weather and seasons; Landmarks; Aerial images; Locational language; Maps; Compass directions; Geographical similarities

History: In our Bright Lights, Big City topic we will be looking at the monarchy and a significant event called the Great Fire of London.

Art: Rain and Sunrays teaches children about collagraph printing, including how to develop a motif to make single and repeated prints.

Design Technology: Wheels on the Bus teaches children about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move.Children then design and build there own individual bus and evaluate their completed product.

PSHE: Our first topic is called Keeping Safe, were the children will learn who can helps us to keep safe and how to keep ourselves safe. Our second topic is called Right and Respectful. In this topic the children will learn about different areas of the school and how to behave in each area as well as how to use simple first aid on themselves and others. 

PE: Our first topic is Underarm throwing (outdoors) before we move onto Gymnastics (indoors).

Music: The children will look at different styles of music by Joanna Mangona. The styles we will look at include the blues, baroque, latin, bhangra folk and funk. We will listen and learn a new style each week in this topic In the Groove.

Computing: we will be looking at Maze Explorers and we will be looking at directions. Our second topic is callled Animated Stories where the chidren will look at creating their own stories and learning how to save, save over old work and bring back up previously saved work. 

For more information on our curriculum, please see the curriculum tab on our homepage.

Pick and Mix

Your child will bring home their Pick and Mix linked to their topic. Pick and Mix projects are suggested activities that help to inspire children beyond the classroom. Each activity provides an opportunity for children to explore their topic further using a number of different skills. When children have finished a project, they can bring this into school where each class will have a designated time to celebrate the learning that has taken place. Projects can stay in school and be displayed on each class’s working wall or can be taken home.

If you have any questions about how to further support your child's learning at home, please contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo or the school office. 

Files to Download

Year 1: Blog items

POP day - Science, by Miss Collier

Anti-bullying week, by Miss Collier

Science - Everyday Materials, by Miss Collier

Year 1: Gallery items

Year 1: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Learning Together Following Jesus Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart

Adlington St Paul'sCE Primary School

Railway Rd, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9QZ.

Miss A Moffitt | Bursar

01257 480276

Mrs J Burger | Headteacher

Miss L Taylor | SENCO

Part of The Learning Together Trust

We are a family of schools, who work collaboratively and in partnership, to ensure that every child within each different school receives the best Christian foundation education that equips them for success in the next phase of their education and later life.